Tuesday, 8 June 2021

Can you imitate perfectly your own work?

Hello, reader!

Can you or should you create the same thing twice? While finding your style and then "rehearsing" it till it's perfected is great, repeating your own handmade creation is, first off, tricky technically, but it also gets in the way of the original's... originality, the opportunity to call it "unique and one of a kind"

(I know, there is art that exploits or somehow incorporates the idea of mass production, copying, citations, etc. However, this post is not about that.)

So, remember how there is this altered bottle I wrote about some time ago? From time to time, people ask if it's available for sale. I have never actually offered it for sale because it is very dear to me. But, I decided to make a similar one and have that one for sale. 

I definitely would not know how to repeat another work, even my own. I can only try to imitate it, which is what I did here. I deliberately switched the colours a little bit, the bottle itself is different, and then I chose to put two smaller butterflies instead of one and a brass chain instead of the burlap rope. 

The old one is very close to my heart but the new one rocks, excuse my bias :)
It is 23 tall in total, 13 cm wide, and the bottle is pretty thin it reminds me of a flask. 
The item is available on Etsy
Until next time...

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